Being Stewards of God's Grace

March 15, 2015 - Peter is going to help us walk through some more areas of the heart that needs to be cleaned up.  Have you ever wondered why sin can be so enticing?  Have you ever asked yourself why you might go back to that particular sin you may struggle with?  Is it because we get bored? Is it because we haven’t had a clean break, or is it because we haven’t been functioning in the way Christ wants us to function?  Peter wants us to look outwardly in our Christianity.  He is encouraging his readers to begin to take their focus off themselves and to begin to allow our Christianity to be presented by our actions.  Its hard to sin when we are focused on other things…. Way to go God for using Peter to cut to the heart of things.

The Blessing of Sacrifice

March 8, 2015 - Wow, what a roller coaster ride Peter took us on in 1 Peter 2:13, regarding submitting to authority.  All the questions, emails, phone calls, and comments helped inspire many to pick up their Bibles and begin researching Peter and Paul's words.  Well, if you thought last week was tough, this Sunday we enter into Peter's next form of submission as he opens up the text by saying, "Likewise, wives, subject to your own husbands..." Peter spends six verses on wives and one on husbands. That will cause some men to get excited and feel they have a pass because they are only talked about in one verse.  However, don't let it fool you, because Peter has some strong words to say for husbands out there.  This week we wrestle through how to be stronger wives and husbands. Lord, I pray that you will continue to "Transform-us."  

Wives and Husbands

March 1, 2015 - Wow, what a roller coaster ride Peter took us on in 1 Peter 2:13, regarding submitting to authority.  All the questions, emails, phone calls, and comments helped inspire many to pick up their Bibles and begin researching Peter and Paul's words.  Well, if you thought last week was tough, this Sunday we enter into Peter's next form of submission as he opens up the text by saying, "Likewise, wives, subject to your own husbands..." Peter spends six verses on wives and one on husbands. That will cause some men to get excited and feel they have a pass because they are only talked about in one verse.  However, don't let it fool you, because Peter has some strong words to say for husbands out there.  This week we wrestle through how to be stronger wives and husbands. Lord, I pray that you will continue to "Transform-us."