A Radical Call

February 27, 2011 - A Radical Call - Luke 9:21-27
Jesus' call to follow Him has always been radical. Few will follow the path. Many will count the cost of following Jesus and say "no," just as many did in Jesus' day. We live in a world that loves to redefine who Jesus is and why He came. Many want a "safe" Jesus. But that is not the Jesus of the Bible. What does it mean to be a "Christ follower" as Jesus defines it?

Jesus-Focused Profession

February 20, 2011 - Luke 9:18-20
To know Jesus Christ, we must know two essentials! We must know who He is and what He did. We must know the person and work of Christ if we are going to be Christ followers. Peter answered accurately and powerfully, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Jesus responded that it is upon this profession of Peter that He would build His church. You don't want to miss this foundational message as we study Luke 9:18-20 and the parallel passage in Matthew 16:13-20.

Jesus-Focused Growth

February 13, 2011 - Luke 9:10-17
Jesus wants us all to grow up. From the beginning Jesus told the Twelve that, if they followed Him, they would become "fishers of men." Then Jesus began to model for them a life of mature faith that preached the Kingdom of God, healed the sick and fished for men. Jesus knew that "fishing for men" would come as their faith matured. He also knew that they would need a mature faith when they faced the coming opposition and persecution that the world would throw at them.

Jesus-Focused Mission

February 6, 2011 - Luke 9:1-6
When Jesus engaged the first four disciples, He set the agenda for them and for all "disciples," for all Christ followers throughout the centuries. Jesus told them that if they were willing to follow Him, He would make them into "fishers of men." They weren't asking for that! The Twelve would be blessed by being with Jesus, but Jesus wanted more from them. He wanted them to become "fishers of men" so that others would receive the blessing as well. Few of us would think of becoming Christians so that we could become "fishers of men," yet this is something Jesus makes us as we follow Him.