Be Pure of Heart

Oct. 25, 2009 - Matthew 5:8 Happy are the pure in heart... Why are the pure in heart so happy? They get to experience God on a deeper level. Jesus was never impressed with outward appearances and superficial religion. He has always been most concerned with who we are on the inside in our character.

Be Mercy Full

Oct. 18, 2009 - Happy are the merciful... We cannot experience true happiness unless we learn to love those who suffer distress. Just as our Heavenly Father has been merciful to us, He expects us to be merciful to others (Matthew 6:12). Showing mercy to the least is Jesus' path to happiness (Matthew 25:31-46)."

Be Ravenous

Oct. 11, 2009 - Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness... When it comes to spiritual food, what explains your appetite? Are you a voracious eater or picky? Do you eat balanced meals or are you addicted to sweets and junk food? Does someone have to spoon feed you, or do you know how to feed yourself?

Be Low

Oct. 04, 2009 - Meekness is not wimpy, but actually it is "strength under control." Meekness in Jesus' day was considered a vice, not a virtue. But God values humility! Jesus came as the suffering Messiah with an agenda as foreign then as it is today. Jesus is proclaiming that true happiness is for the humble, the meek and the selfless. When we make ourselves low, God will lift us up in his time and we begin to learn to enjoy "The Only Path to Happiness."