December 30, 2012 - If you're wondering how to navigate thru life's twists and turns. There's an app for that. If you feel emotionally drained, there's an app for that too. Have the relationships in your life become far too complicated? There's an app for that. Are your finances upside down? There's an app for that as well. Everyone needs wisdom. There's an app for that too. Yep, there's an app for anything you may face in life and they're all found in God's word.

Forgotten Purpose

December 23, 2012 - Jesus' coming to earth was the fulfillment of prophecy. He came for a reason. Jesus' life fulfilled God the Father's plan from eternity past for the redemption of mankind. With all the activities of Christmas, we celebrate the reason for the season, the purpose of Jesus' birth on this planet.

Forgotten Joy

December 16, 2012 - The angel announced Jesus' birth by saying, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people." Joy is not a word that many would use to describe their Christmas experience. Join us as we make sure that joy is not a forgotten gift from God.

A Gift of Hope

December 9, 2012 - When Jesus was born, it was a "new and glorious morn," that made "the weary world rejoice". His birth was an incredible gift of hope for the world.

A Gift Of Grace

December 2, 2012 - Many of us have forgotten the gifts that we were given over the years. Some gifts caused us to think that life could not be any better. Yet, often those gifts end up stored away, or sent to Goodwill. God has blessed us with many incredible gifts that should never be forgotten or neglected.

Thanks For Giving

November 25, 2012 - Jesus launched His church with the DNA of generosity. As the gospel transforms hearts, there is a supernatural response of gratitude, as people freely receive, they freely give. Ultimately the origin of all generosity of God Himself who is the first of all givers. Our capacity to give comes from God as we freely receive all good things from Him.

A Change of Course

November 18, 2012 - Sailing ships make mid-course corrections responding to the strength of the wind and the size of the waves. The destination does not change, but the skillful captain knows when to pull into a harbor, or change course to avoid an iceberg. Join us Sunday as we discuss God�s mid-course corrections as we sail on the high seas of the Kingdom.

A Change of Priorities

November 11, 2012 - What does it mean to love our neighbors as ourselves? We live in a "me-first," consumer oriented world. When Jesus reigns as Lord of our lives, our priorities begin to change in a dramatic fashion as we learn to care for our brothers and sisters, locally and around the world.

A Change of Interest

November 4, 2012 - Jesus promotes an investment strategy like nothing you will find on Wall Street. He promises that the return on the investment will be great. We will be considering an investment strategy that involves those most in need of mercy; the ungrateful and the wicked.

A Change of Heart

October 28, 2012 - The heart of the matter is always a matter of the heart. All external change has limited value. God specializes in changing us from the inside out in a manner that brings lasting change that is not dependent upon any election.

Irresistible Surrender

October 21, 2012 - 1 Corinthians 8:4-6, Romans 11:33-36, Deuteronomy 6
Why has Christianity survived and thrived throughout the ages, in spite of persecution and opposition?

Irresistible Focus

October 14, 2012- Powerful rivers are narrow and deep. Swamps are wide and stagnant, and you will never find a hydro-electric power plant in a swamp. Jesus asks for an exclusive commitment to follow Him in the movement called "The Way."

Irresistible Power

October 7, 2012 - The Christian life is impossible to live on human power. It is only by the empowering of the Holy Spirit that we have the capacity to carry out God's agenda for our lives.

An Irresistible Witness

September 30, 2012 - The Christian life is impossible to live on human power. It is only by the empowering of the Holy Spirit that we have the capacity to carry out God's agenda for our lives.

DTR: Fan or Follower?

September 23, 2012 - The crowd is following Jesus as long as he gives them a free meal. When Jesus begins to offer Himself as the Bread of Life, the fair weather fans left. This was a DTR (Determine The Relationship) moment when the people had to make a decision on their level of commitment to Jesus as Lord.

Irresistible Invitation

September 16, 2012 - When Jesus launched his world wide movement that turned the world upside down, He chose to focus His attention on building a team of leaders who would carrying the movement forward after He went back to heaven.

Irresistible Love

September 9, 2012 - The heart of the matter is always a matter of the heart. When God chooses to use someone to make a difference in the world, He always starts on the inside, transforming the heart, before He works to transform society. It is impossible to transform society without transforming the heart.

Myth: God Has A Blueprint For My Life

September 2, 2012 - When we want to make major decisions like job opportunities, selecting a college, determining our life partner, or deciding where to live, so we seek God's will with a bit of "extra" passion. People pray for it, some look for signs, divine coincidences that supposedly indicate God's leading. Others seek supernatural insight to show the way and others play Bible roulette, flipping through the Bible until they find a passage that "seems" to speak directly to their situation. All of us ask in different ways, "Lord, show me your will--please!"

The Way

August 26, 2012 - Why is it so many Christians know so much about God and have such deep feelings for Him yet can't seem to find their way into intimate relationship with Him? This Sunday we will address this most fundamental question. 

Myth: Church Is Optional

August 19, 2012 - Have you heard people say (or thought this yourself), "My faith is personal" or "I don't need church to believe in God"? Did God really intend for His people to only be involved in church when it's convenient for them, or when they feel like they need a spiritual pick-me-up? This Sunday we'll take a look at what Jesus said about being connected with other Christians; we'll examine the various analogies the Bible uses to describe the church and what they mean for us today.

Myth: Godly Homes Guarantee Godly Kids

August 5, 2012 - Like many other spiritual myths, the idea that a godly home guarantees godly kids finds its source in a well-known, but widely misunderstood, Bible verse. In this case it's Proverbs 22:6, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Most people seem to think this verse PROMISES that a child raised CORRECTLY will come back to the Lord EVENTUALLY. But is that what this verse says?

Myth: Faith Can Fix Anything

August 5, 2012 - 1. Is your faith all a feeling? 2. Is your faith all in your mind? 3. Do you want a faith that is seen by your actions to you and to others?

Myth: Don't Judge...

July 29, 2012 - People who don't even know the Bible are able to quote one passage, "don't judge lest you be judged." Few passages of Scripture are more misquoted and misunderstood. Few Christian myths have caused more damage to God's church. It's time that we do a "Myth Busters" routine and investigate what the Bible says in context on the topic of judging others.

God's Vision For The World includes God's Vision For You!

July 22, 2012 - "For God so loved the world." The world... really? Yes, more specifically, you and your friends, your family, and the people you see everyday. God loves them... really! He also loves Steve in Napa, Sherrie in Orlando, and Dr. Zhou in Chengdu. He has a vision for the entire world. Important: God's vision doesn't start with you, but it includes you. Join Him in taking the adventure for which you were created.

A Mature Vision

July 15, 2012 - Some Christians grow old and some grow up. We desire to be a church where everyone is continuing to grow to maturity in Christ. Join us Sunday as we consider what it means for us to be a church with a "mature vision."

The Vision Is Clear

July 8, 2012 - Christianity is always one generation from extinction. We must continue to have a heart and passion to pass the life-changing gospel to the next generation. Pastor James Berteig will be challenging us to raise the bar in our vision to impact young people for Christ.

What About Those Who Haven't Heard?

July 1, 2012 - One of the most often asked questions by skeptics, we will dig into this topic that inquiring minds want answered. How can a just God send people to Hell when they have never heard the name of Jesus? Why should they suffer for being born in the wrong place, without access to the message of salvation?

Why Should I Believe The Bible?

June 24, 2012 - Many people think that the Bible is an ancient book that doesn't have relevance for our day. Yet, the Bible continues to top the list of best sellers for a reason. This Sunday we will investigate why this book has survived and continues to flourish as God's love letter to His people.

How Can Jesus Be The Only Way?

June 17, 2012 - We live in a pluralistic society where many people believe that there are many ways to God. People naively assume that all religions are paths to the same mountain top. Children are told that there are no absolutes, so they are free to shape their own idea of truth and God forbid that anyone question their customized faith! Tolerance becomes the highest value replacing objective truth. Listen and learn why Christianity is unique from all other faiths and why Jesus was sent to the world for salvation.

How Do We Know That God Exists?

June 10, 2012 - What would you say to a friend who is questioning the very existence of God? Where is the evidence for God? How has God revealed Himself, so that the repentant heart can respond?

Humbled By Christ

June 3, 2012 - Pride is a huge issue in our country. We pride ourselves in what we wear, say and do. Pride comes in all shapes and sizes, from pride in our country, pride in our accomplishments, and pride in ourselves. So, what does the Bible say about pride? Is there such a thing as good pride? Or is every form of pride bad? What was Jesus' counter action to pride?

Teaching Obedience

May 27, 2012 - Jesus told his disciples that when they make new disciples, they were to "teach them to obey everything I have commanded you." If you think about it, that could turn out to be a pretty long list of commands to obey. And if you really are serious about obeying them all, you would need to know you haven't missed any. So I wonder, how many of us can list all the commands we are supposed to obey, and how many of us are obeying everything? I am guessing the answer would be pretty close to zero. Now I don't think Jesus would ask us to do something that was impossible, so what was he asking?

Man Up

May 20, 2012 - Here we focus our attention on the role of a man in lasting relationships. God has assigned men to lead their homes and love their wives. God, who designed marriage, has given us roles for a reason, and when we cooperate with His plan, our burden is light and well fitting.

Celebrating A Mother's Love

May 13, 2012 - We celebrate the God given love that has been placed in mothers. It is not easy being a mother today, and we want to honor and cherish and highly esteem mothers on this special day. Listen as we bring honor to whom honor is due, mothers who have sacrificed and given of themselves for their children.

Filling The Gaps

May 6, 2012 - What sets happy couples apart from those who are unhappy? What is the secret sauce of those who have successfully stayed in love over a lifetime? Some people have been married for years, but lost the love decades ago. How do you stay happy, passionate and in love for a lifetime? When Adam was created, it was not good that Adam was alone. Eve was created by God to complete Adam, or to fill in the gaps. This Sunday, we are investigating how, in relationships with the opposite sex, complete one another as God intends.

That Lovin' Feelin'

April 29, 2012 - The Righteous Brothers sang about losing "that lovin' feeling." If every relationship involved two people who were emotionally healthy, brimming over with positive feelings, no scars or family drama, love would be easy. However, we all have baggage that we bring into any relationship. We all have wounds, and scars and family history that isn't pretty. Every relationship involves two works-in-progress.

Cheaper Than Divorce

April 22, 2012 - Whether you are dating, hope to date, engaged, married or married and hope to date… this message is for you.  We look at some amazing verses that make all the difference in relationships that last. God’s instruction is earth shaking for every relationship, and especially for those who are in a passionate, romantic relationship.

You Chose Poorly?

April 15, 2012 - John 13:34-35, Ephesians 5
Falling in love is easy, staying in love is what counts. Why is it so difficult for people to maintain long and lasting relationships? What does God's word say that makes the difference that lasts? How can we make love a verb instead of a noun?

Come To Life (Easter Message)

April 8, 2012 - EASTER. Without the resurrection, there is no "Christianity!" Paul says that without the resurrection, all Christ followers would be the most pitiful people on the planet. On resurrection Sunday we will be studying the the Biblical message of what happens instantly when we draw our last breath on earth.

Get Ready!

April 1, 2012 - People know how to anticipate planting and harvest seasons, but they are not good at anticipating the ultimate season of redemption as Jesus' return draws near. What is preventing Jesus from returning today? Would you be ready if it happened tonight?

Signs of An Authority Problem

March 4, 2012 - If I have an authority problem, I have one of the biggest problems on earth. King Saul was told that the seriousness of his authority problem was on the level of witchcraft. Jesus met some church people who decided to challenge Him to a mental duel, because they had no intentions of submitting to His authority. But He dismantled their arguments and sidestepped their intentions to trap him. The people's hearts became hardened, toward God's authority. Here we will learn how to maintain a tender heart toward God and avoid the deadly "Signs of an Authority Problem.

Risky Moves

February 26, 2012 - When is it risky to play it safe? There are times in life when it is essential that we step out and make a bold step of faith in order to please God. Don't miss this essential step on the Road to Greatness with Jesus.

Church For The Sake of Others

February 19, 2012 - "Jesus came to seek and to save the lost." Who is the lost? Anyone who has been alienated from the love and grace of God for any reason. Our challenge is that the natural gravitational pull of our sin nature is to think that the blessing of God is for us. We become exclusive, rather than inclusive. We begin to think that the church is primarily for our benefit, rather than for the sake of others. Consider what a church looks like that follows Jesus' heart to be a blessing to those who are lost from God.

Get In The Game

February 12, 2012 - "In my heart, I really want to join God in the great things He is doing, but my Christian growth has been anything but consistent." You'll have the opportunity to receive Jesus, which just takes a minute, and to become Christlike, which takes a lifetime. We can't microwave our spiritual growth, but we can join God in what He's doing in us and what He wants to do through us.

Whispers From Headquarters

February 5, 2011 - Luke 18:1-8. God always speaks loud enough for the listening ear to hear. He loves us and wants to lead us by the moving of His Spirit, yet we are often not on the same wavelength. Like a radio tuned to the wrong frequency, we are not receiving the signals from God because of something wrong on our end.

Great Gratitude

January 29, 2012 - Ingratitude is tough for any of us to see in our own lives! The more prideful we are, the less we see our need to express appreciation, because we think that our achievements are based on we have accomplished. There is a subtle tendency to think that, since we have feelings of gratitude, that we don't really need to express those feelings outwardly.

Greatness's Achilles Heel

January 22, 2012 - Temptation is inevitable, so how can we be prepared when it comes? What can we do to help each other to avoid sin, and how can we make sure that we are not causing others to stumble and fall? Link

Spiritually Shrewd Leadership

January 15, 2012 - Jesus is looking for people in his church who are shrewd in leveraging every resource to help people find their way back to God. He uses an unexpected example of a shrewd and dishonest manager, who manipulated bills to benefit his own future. Oh that believers would have that kind of creativity and resourcefulness (without the dishonesty), when it comes to leveraging finances and relationships in a way that matters for eternity.

Helping People Find Their Way Back To God

January 8, 2012 - What's more important than learning from the life that Jesus modeled while on earth? This week we pick up in Luke 15 and travel "The Road to Greatness," as Jesus follows the road to Jerusalem, while instructing His closest followers about the essentials of living a life that pleases our Heavenly Father.We have a Heavenly Father who is seeking out those who are the least and the lost. Jesus taught His followers how to help people find their way back to God and this passage is central to understanding the heart of our loving and gracious Father.

Divine Preparation

January 1, 2012 - Before God's people experienced all the blessings of the Promised Land, He had them stop and prepare themselves before they crossed the Jordan. God had a great adventure in store for them, but the first step in the journey was to prepare them spiritually. In Joshua 3 we see God instructing the people to prepare themselves because "tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you."