Messy Christmas Through Thanksgiving

November 24, 2013 - Is it your health? Your family? Your job? Your finances? It is easy to be thankful for things in our life that we work hard for, but when was the last time you were just “Thankful?” When we worship and give gratitude to the Lord for EVERYTHING He has done, we magnify Him. My prayer is that we learn to MAGNIFY the Lord with Thanksgiving.

Putting The Family Fortune To Work

November 17, 2013 - Everything we have comes from God. God gives something to everyone. We have no control over how much God gives to us, but we are responsible to make the most of whatever it is that God has placed in our hands. One day we will give an account for what we did with what was entrusted to us.

Spending To Reap

November 10, 2013 - We are looking at God’s laws of weath and prosperity. God has laws for spending and saving and investing and taking risk and insuring. When we put money to work to make a difference in lives, that is a good thing, when we are working for money, being slaves to debt, that is a bad thing. We are blessed when we cooperate with God’s laws.

Spending The Family Fortune

November 3, 2013 - Few experience the plague of being born into what we consider to be a rich family, yet everyone who is in the family of God, is rich beyond measure. Our Heavenly Father is rich. Everything we have comes from His hand. Before he entrusts us with greater riches, he wants us to prove that we can be trusted with little. If we are faithful with little, then God will entrust us with greater things.