Christmas Joy For The New Year

December 25, 2012 - The Gift of Joy came that Christmas morning in a little bundle of joy. It is a supernatural gift that is still being received from the benevolent heart of God. Paul proclaimed that it is to be used throughout the year when he stated, "rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!" As we celebrate the coming of the Gift, we will be asking the question, "How do we experience this gift all year long?"

Joy For A Weary World

December 18, 2011 - Tune in as we continue our "Gift of Joy" series and consider our topic, "Joy For a Weary World," from Isaiah 9 and Luke 2.

The Gift of Joy

December 11, 2011 - There is a difference between fickle happiness and supernatural, Spirit empowered joy that comes from God and transformed the lives of Joseph and Mary, Shepherds and everyone wise enough to let Him in.

Jesus is God's Humble Gift at Christmas

December 4, 2011 - Dr. Jackson will be with us on Sunday to kick off the Christmas Season and will be bringing a message that will encourage your hearts and minds. There was nothing more lowly and insignificant as God's Son being born in a manger surrounded by everyday people like you and me, not important or meaningful by worldly standards, but these are the people God scoops up into his arms to love and cherish. Today you will discover how you can be part of the ongoing Christmas story... This is our "First Gift Sunday" where we consider what it means to place Jesus front and center for the holidays

Think Differently

November 27, 2011 - God often has this creative way of showing us that He has a purpose, a plan and a personal vision for our lives. As with the blind man in John 9, God's vision and purpose sets us apart, changes how we live, and places us in the lives of others. It is also a vision that gives our lives purpose and meaning. In the story of John 9 we can see that our lives are not human accidents waiting to happen but divine plans waiting to come to pass.

Bold Opportunity

November 20, 2011 - The church began as a movement as 2,000 years ago people witnessed the resurrection of Jesus and boldly spread the good news. Facing opposition, hey never wondered, "where is God." They continued to boldly overcome the resistance, praying for greater boldness to speak the life-changing message of Christ to the ends of the earth.

Bold Impact

November 13, 2011 - Acts 13, Galatians 5. Does the church really matter in our day? Do we make a difference, so that if the church disappeared, the community would notice? What are the results, in the community, when a church is filled with bold, fully devoted followers of Christ? Imagine what our world would be like today if it wasn't for the pure influence of bold Christians who started hospitals, fought against slavery, founded orphanages and stood against the moral evils of despots.

Bold Risk

November 6, 2011 - Eyewitnesses to the resurrection poured into the streets of Jerusalem saying that Jesus is alive. In one month's time the church grew to over 5,000 people and because of their bold faith, they became a threat to the Pax Romana, the Roman Peace. Christians were arrested, flogged, and warned to quit talking about Jesus. Persecution raged for three years as Stephen was martyred and the followers were scattered, but by faith, they didn't stop talking or risking. Why?

Bold and Big

October 23, 2011 - When the early church faced resistance, they didn't pray for protection or for the resistance to be stopped, they prayed for boldness. What does "boldness" look like in a culture where bold Christianity costs us almost nothing?

Bold Prayers

October 16, 2011 - Acts 4
Little prayer - little power, much prayer - much power. Our prayers reflect what we really believe. It is the litmus test, revealing our understanding of God's world wide vision. If prayer isn't necessary to accomplish our vision -- we're not thinking big enough.

Jesus Said What?

October 9, 2011 - Jesus Said What? - Luke 9:57-62

Bold Movement

October 2, 2011 - If God's church is anything, it is a movement. From day on, the church has been on the move, overcoming every obstacle and opposition. God is building His church through bold people of faith.

Upright Priorities

September 25, 2011 - There is cost to being a follower of Jesus. Living upright means that we have God given priorities that supersede personal agendas. Jesus' call is a radical call to discipleship.

Upright Honor

September 18, 2011 - God not only sees what we do, but He also sees the inner motives of why we do what we do. This week we see Jesus' response to those who were at a social gathering, who were consumed with position and status and selfish personal gain.

Upright Future

September 11, 2011 - Jesus' life was being threatened by a terrorist named King Herod. Jesus recognized this terrorist, called him a fox, and refused to be intimidated or distracted. Jesus had a God given agenda, He knew who He was, and nothing would interrupt the completion of His task.

As we remember the terrorist attacks on the World Trade center and the Pentagon, we can learn from Jesus' example of how to respond to national or personal terrorists who desire to immobilize and intimidate by striking fear in the lives of the victims. Bring a friend for these life impacting services.

Upright Potential: The Narrow Door

September 4, 2011 - The door to heaven is narrow and few will enter. Why is that the case? Why can't everyone enter in? Can't we have an "all skate" when it comes to heaven? This is not just a nice theological discussion, because this teaching speaks to eternal destiny, not just for us, but for those we love; our families, our friends, our neighbors. Join us Sunday as we discuss this hot topic in Christian circles today.

The Great Restoration

August 28, 2011 - Upright Living in an Upsidedown World. Luke 13:10-20
All of us are crippled in some way. Some of us are crippled physically, some relationally, some financially, some emotionally. The longer we are crippled, the harder it is to believe that we can be healed and restored. Jesus called out and prayed for a woman who was crippled spiritually for eighteen years. She had probably given up hope, but that didn't stand in Jesus' way.

Upright Repentance

August 21, 2011 - Upright Living in an Upsidedown World - Luke 13:1-9
God has made it clear that repentance is the path to life. Why is that word so repulsive to so many? Why do we resist and fight for our own selfish way, when God has nothing but our best interests in mind? Wouldn't life go so much better if we would surrender our will to His will? Repentance is God's tool to turn an upside down world, upside right!

Life To The Full

August 14, 2011 - John 10:10, Philippians 3:12-14
Jesus said that He came so that we might have life and have it to the full. Isn't that encouraging? Don't you want that? But what is "life to the full", and how do we get it? We will explore this verse and others to see what it means to live an "abundant" life, and what steps we can take right here and now to live the kind of life Jesus came to give us.

Standing Guard

August 7, 2011 - Luke 12:49-59
Have you Caught a Glimpse of His Majesty? A word is placed in a receptive crevice of your heart that causes you, ever so briefly, to see His face clearly. You hear a verse read in a tone you'd never heard, or explained in a way you'd never thought and one more piece of the puzzle falls into place... Someone touches your painful spirit as only one sent from Him could do, and there He is. Jesus... in a way we never have seen Him before.

Standing Guard

August 7, 2011 - Luke 12:49-59
Have you Caught a Glimpse of His Majesty? A word is placed in a receptive crevice of your heart that causes you, ever so briefly, to see His face clearly. You hear a verse read in a tone you'd never heard, or explained in a way you'd never thought and one more piece of the puzzle falls into place... Someone touches your painful spirit as only one sent from Him could do, and there He is. Jesus... in a way we never have seen Him before.

Reporting For Duty

July 31, 2011 - Pastor Stan and the team returns from Uganda reporting on the impact we are having as orphans are adopted, students are taught and Pastors equipped to impact Africa for Christ. Be inspired to "Report for Duty" as we study Luke 12:35-48 on what is demanded of those who have been given much.

The Breath of God

July 24, 2011 - What happens when the Spirit of God comes fully alive in a person and a church. The spirit of revival breaks through in the community and nothing is ever the same again.

Semper Fidelis

July 17, 2011 - It is not negotiable. It is not relative, it is absolute. The phrase is "Always faithful." It isn't "Sometimes Faithful." It isn't "Usually Faithful," but always faithful. Who is always faithful though, and to what, exactly are they faithful? Marines pride themselves on their straightforward mission and steadfast dedication to accomplish it. Things do not need to be spelled out for them; they know what it means and what to do about it.


July 10, 2011 - Jesus warned the disciples and us to "be on your guard," against hypocrisy. He described it as something that grows from the inside out and it will be revealed for all to see. One day everything will be exposed, even the hidden motives of our hearts. Jesus gives us instruction on how to live lives that demand an explanation, without shame or regret. We all need vigilance to live authentic, faithful Christian lives in the presence of the one who ultimately matters.

Woe There!

July 3, 2011 - How do you look from afar? More importantly, how do you look up close? Jesus cares most about what we look like, up close, on the inside. Jesus wasn't afraid to insult those who were playing phony religious games by acting spiritual. No one, who plays games with God's truth can claim that Jesus didn't warn them of the consequences.


June 26, 2011 - Luke 11:29-32
If Judgement Day came today, would you be ready? Have you come to a conclusion regarding who Jesus is, and why He came to earth? There is a great deal of talk today about how much time is left and yet many are unwilling to make a decision, or take a stand on the person and work of Jesus.

A House Divided

June 19, 2011 - Luke 11:14-28
It is not easy being a Christian man in today's culture. The battle is real and the challenges are great for keeping our homes protected and unified. How can we win the battle for the hearts and lives of those we love dearly?


June 12, 2011 - Joshua 1:9
Transitions happen. So how do we handle transitions? Everyone goes through transitions during their lifetime. Some transitions are predictable. Some are generally expected. Some transitions come quickly, like adulthood or growing into retirement, and when those transitions happen, our faith can be tested...

Moral Freedom

June 5, 2011 - Our Heavenly Father has provided us with ten rules for our benefit, so that we might experience the freedom that is His gift when we live as He designed. We conclude this series this Sunday as we consider how to honor others by honoring marriage while avoiding anything that leads to adultery.

You don't want to miss this life-changing message as we live in a use and abuse culture.

Relational Freedom

May 29, 2011 - Imagine the freedom we all would experience in life if everyone practiced the last six of the Ten Commandments. These are all wrapped up in the second greatest command that Jesus gave, to love your neighbor as yourself. How can we maintain our freedom to love people, when they are so ornery?

Freedom To Do Nothing

May 22, 2011 - Exodus 20:8-11
We live in a driven and hectic world where people are working themselves to death and experiencing stress as never before. Isn't it fascinating that God built a day of rest into His plan for our lives? Why did He do that? What was God's purpose in creating a day of rest for a people who had so little?

Freedom From Being A User

May 15, 2011 - Exodus 20:7
Refusing to misuse the Lord's name has so much more meaning than forbidding us from cursing. Jesus' anger was unleashed on those who were guilty of misusing the Lord's name.

Exclusive Freedom

May 8, 2011 - Mother's Day!
Freedom comes to those who are free to worship the One True God. Worshiping anyone else or anything else, always leads to eventual enslavement and heartbreak. We have a God who desires an exclusive and personal relationship with His people.

Being Set Free

May 1, 2022 - Why do we think we have to measure up to a certain standard of performance before we can come to God for acceptance and forgiveness? Then why did God give us the Ten Commandments if it isn't a means for acceptance with God?

Hope Is Alive

April 24, 2011 - EASTER
The resurrection is the crowning proof of Jesus' claims. The resurrection was unexpected even by those who were Jesus' closest followers. There is nothing religious about the resurrection, but it was an event in history that changed everything.

The Cross

April 22, 2011 - The cross did not appear as an inspirational symbol to be found in churches and elsewhere until several hundred years after Jesus' crucifixion. Not until the practice of crucifixion had been abandoned could it possibly have been seen with any kind of positive connotations. But it is the reason we call Good Friday "Good." Approximately 100,000 people were brutally crucified, but only one turned it into a symbol of hope and freedom.

It Will Be Given, If

April 17, 2011 - What if we are praying wrongly? If prayer is simply talking with God, then why did Jesus have to teach the disciples how to pray? What was it about Jesus' prayer that caused these men, who had been praying since childhood as good Jewish men, to ask Jesus for instruction on prayer. If you have ever felt frustrated when your prayers haven't been answered, you won't want to miss this message.

Life Within Limits

April 10, 2011 - Has serving in the church ever made you difficult to live with? Have you ever served on a ministry team where the team members couldn't get along and the impact of that ministry suffered? Have you ever been irritated by others in the church who were less passionate about a cause that you would die for? Have you ever been stressed out and chippy because you were under the pressure to perform? You don't want to miss this Sunday's message as we talk about how God created us with limits to our performance and designed us for relationships that matter most. Listen and learn some classic principles from Jesus on what it means to do God's work God's way, while enjoying every minute of it!


March 27, 2011 - Luke 10:1-24
Jesus recruited 72 people to represent Him, to be His frontline crew, preparing the way for Him as He headed to Jerusalem to face His death, burial and resurrection. Jesus thinned the ranks of those who had excuses that prevented them from serving God wholeheartedly. Christians today continue to be the "frontline crew" preparing the way for Jesus' second coming. Listen as we study the implications that Jesus' assignment had on the 72 and on ever person who is called a Christ-follower today.

I Want To Be Great

March 20, 2011 - Luke 9:46-62
This week we see a critical turning point in Jesus' ministry. He is setting himself to go to Jerusalem where he will be beaten, persecuted and crucified. In the meantime, His disciples are arguing about which of them is the greatest. Not long ago these guys were nobodies and how quickly pride begins to rear its ugly head so that they are more concerned with personal status and position than serving God's will. Jesus takes the time to instruct them, and us, about true greatness. This timeless message is essential for anyone who wants to be a part of a movement that will last.

A Mountaintop Experience

March 13, 2011 - Luke 9:28-36
When have you experienced a "mountain top" event? It might have been when you were married, or a dream vacation, or spiritually when Jesus gave you victory in an area of your life that has held you in bondage. Many have experienced mountain top experiences at a camp, a marriage retreat or a conference. God uses mountain top experiences in our lives, but ministry happens back in the lowlands, in the valleys of life. Learn what God wants to teach us through those times of spiritual highs.

It's Life...And This Is Your Part

March 6, 2011 - 2 Corinthians 5:17-18
Life races by us, it's like somebody has stepped on the accelerator, and if we are not careful we can look up and our shot at it will have passed us by. The "you" God planned will never be lived by another person, and if we are honest, most of us want to live our life in such a way that the world will be glad we did. But can we live like that? Yes.

A Radical Call

February 27, 2011 - A Radical Call - Luke 9:21-27
Jesus' call to follow Him has always been radical. Few will follow the path. Many will count the cost of following Jesus and say "no," just as many did in Jesus' day. We live in a world that loves to redefine who Jesus is and why He came. Many want a "safe" Jesus. But that is not the Jesus of the Bible. What does it mean to be a "Christ follower" as Jesus defines it?

Jesus-Focused Profession

February 20, 2011 - Luke 9:18-20
To know Jesus Christ, we must know two essentials! We must know who He is and what He did. We must know the person and work of Christ if we are going to be Christ followers. Peter answered accurately and powerfully, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Jesus responded that it is upon this profession of Peter that He would build His church. You don't want to miss this foundational message as we study Luke 9:18-20 and the parallel passage in Matthew 16:13-20.

Jesus-Focused Growth

February 13, 2011 - Luke 9:10-17
Jesus wants us all to grow up. From the beginning Jesus told the Twelve that, if they followed Him, they would become "fishers of men." Then Jesus began to model for them a life of mature faith that preached the Kingdom of God, healed the sick and fished for men. Jesus knew that "fishing for men" would come as their faith matured. He also knew that they would need a mature faith when they faced the coming opposition and persecution that the world would throw at them.

Jesus-Focused Mission

February 6, 2011 - Luke 9:1-6
When Jesus engaged the first four disciples, He set the agenda for them and for all "disciples," for all Christ followers throughout the centuries. Jesus told them that if they were willing to follow Him, He would make them into "fishers of men." They weren't asking for that! The Twelve would be blessed by being with Jesus, but Jesus wanted more from them. He wanted them to become "fishers of men" so that others would receive the blessing as well. Few of us would think of becoming Christians so that we could become "fishers of men," yet this is something Jesus makes us as we follow Him.

Jesus-Focused Desperation

January 30, 2011 - Luke 8:40-56
What is it like to be desperate? Have you ever been desperate for a drink in a hot, dry desert? Ever been desperate for an officer to extend grace after five previous tickets? Ever been desperate for a date? Ever been desperate for an ambulance to come quickly? Ever been so desperate that you didn't know what to do, since you have run out of every other option you could think of? This is a message for everyone who, after coming to the end of themselves, cries out to God for help. How desperate are you for the touch and work and healing of God?

Jesus Focused Freedom

January 23, 2010 - Luke 8:26-39
Who doesn't like the word "freedom?" America is known as the "Land of the Free," yet how many people are living bondage? Why is it that freedom so often leads to bondage? Prisons are full of people who wanted to do whatever they desired and now they cannot do anything they desire. God's desire is that everyone is set free from bondage.

Jesus-Focused Peace

January 16, 2011 - Luke 8:22-25
Are you facing a storm in your life? Are you having a hard time understanding why God would allow this storm of un-employment, or this relational storm with a spouse, sibling or prodigal child? Do you find yourself dreaming of a storm-less existence? Storms are a fact of life that God uses, not so much to build our faith, as to reveal our faith.

Jesus Defined Relationship

January 9, 2011 - Jesus tells a parable that he uses to help his followers "Define the Relationship" they have with their heavenly Father. God has taken the initiative to express His unconditional love for us, but the question is, do we feel the same way about Him? Jesus identified four levels of relationship that defines every response to God.

Becoming A Blessing

January 2, 2011 - 1 Peter 3:8-12
The secret to living a life that you'll love living, and one that finds favor in God's eyes, lies in becoming a blessing to others.