Hope Is Alive

April 24, 2011 - EASTER
The resurrection is the crowning proof of Jesus' claims. The resurrection was unexpected even by those who were Jesus' closest followers. There is nothing religious about the resurrection, but it was an event in history that changed everything.

The Cross

April 22, 2011 - The cross did not appear as an inspirational symbol to be found in churches and elsewhere until several hundred years after Jesus' crucifixion. Not until the practice of crucifixion had been abandoned could it possibly have been seen with any kind of positive connotations. But it is the reason we call Good Friday "Good." Approximately 100,000 people were brutally crucified, but only one turned it into a symbol of hope and freedom.

It Will Be Given, If

April 17, 2011 - What if we are praying wrongly? If prayer is simply talking with God, then why did Jesus have to teach the disciples how to pray? What was it about Jesus' prayer that caused these men, who had been praying since childhood as good Jewish men, to ask Jesus for instruction on prayer. If you have ever felt frustrated when your prayers haven't been answered, you won't want to miss this message.

Life Within Limits

April 10, 2011 - Has serving in the church ever made you difficult to live with? Have you ever served on a ministry team where the team members couldn't get along and the impact of that ministry suffered? Have you ever been irritated by others in the church who were less passionate about a cause that you would die for? Have you ever been stressed out and chippy because you were under the pressure to perform? You don't want to miss this Sunday's message as we talk about how God created us with limits to our performance and designed us for relationships that matter most. Listen and learn some classic principles from Jesus on what it means to do God's work God's way, while enjoying every minute of it!