Reality vs. Perception

July 27, 2008 - Youth Pastor Brian Neuenschwander describes the difference between our reality in Christ vs. our perception.

The Heart of the Pastor: "Crossing the Raging Rivers of Life"

July 20, 2008 - As Jesus interacted with people, his inner heart was revealed as he wept for people who did not have a shepherd to lead them. Like Jesus, pastors see life from a unique perspective, up close as they help struggling marriages, comforting those suffering illness in the hospital, and patching up unhealthy lines of communication in the family. What would a pastor say is the "need of the hour" in our culture today? Special guest speaker Dale Swan begins this series with his message "Crossing the Raging Rivers of Life" from Joshua 3:1-17. Listen as Pastor Dale shares three guidelines that will help you take your next step of faith.

Joseph: FUTURE@risk

July 13, 2008 - This week we conclude our fabulous series on the life of Joseph. What legacy would Joseph leave? Now that Jacob, his father, the patriarch of the family is gone from the scene, how would Joseph deal with his brothers? Would he treat them as they deserved to be treated? Would he lower himself to the level of his older brothers? Would he treat his brothers the way they expected to be treated, now that Dad is gone? Don't miss this concluding and powerful message from the life Joseph, a picture of the coming Messiah, who was full of grace and truth.

Joseph: PURPOSE@risk

July 6, 2008 - Facing every challenge that life could throw at Joseph, he was able to stay focused on God's ultimate purpose for his life. Others had evil intentions, but Joseph knew that God's purpose would ultimately win out. Listen as Pastor Stan Lubeck considers God's purpose for each of our lives.