Thanks For Giving

November 25, 2012 - Jesus launched His church with the DNA of generosity. As the gospel transforms hearts, there is a supernatural response of gratitude, as people freely receive, they freely give. Ultimately the origin of all generosity of God Himself who is the first of all givers. Our capacity to give comes from God as we freely receive all good things from Him.

A Change of Course

November 18, 2012 - Sailing ships make mid-course corrections responding to the strength of the wind and the size of the waves. The destination does not change, but the skillful captain knows when to pull into a harbor, or change course to avoid an iceberg. Join us Sunday as we discuss God�s mid-course corrections as we sail on the high seas of the Kingdom.

A Change of Priorities

November 11, 2012 - What does it mean to love our neighbors as ourselves? We live in a "me-first," consumer oriented world. When Jesus reigns as Lord of our lives, our priorities begin to change in a dramatic fashion as we learn to care for our brothers and sisters, locally and around the world.

A Change of Interest

November 4, 2012 - Jesus promotes an investment strategy like nothing you will find on Wall Street. He promises that the return on the investment will be great. We will be considering an investment strategy that involves those most in need of mercy; the ungrateful and the wicked.