Happiness and Heartbreak

July 25, 2010 - Luke 6:17-26 Jesus spoke of happiness and heartbreak on a level that is not of this world. Jesus revealed to his followers that happiness is solidly grounded, not in the circumstances of this world, but in the security and joy that comes from the heart of God. Ultimate heartbreak is for those who have no hope and have no connection to the God who breathes hope to a lost world.

World Class Draft Picks

July 18, 2010 - Luke 6: 12-16. What was Jesus thinking when He chose unschooled and ordinary men to be His closest companions and essential leaders for the church at His departure? Somehow these men were used to turn the world upside right. What was Jesus looking for when He chose the twelve?


July 11, 2010 - You! The shocking message of the Bible continues to be that God has chosen the least suspecting of all vessels to do His greatest work. What you are at this particular moment in your life is irrelevant. Who you are is likewise irrelevant. What counts most is what and who you are willing to become.